Olsen Stadium - Site License                                 5/4/2019 - 6:01 PM
       GPAC Outdoor Track and Field Championships - 5/3/2019 to 5/4/2019        
                              Yankton High School                               
Event 27  Women 1500 Meter Run
 GPAC Record: G 4:36.47  5/5/2018    Michelle Mumm, Morningside                 
   NAIA Auto: A 4:36.50                                                         
  NAIA Prov.: B 4:42.00                                                         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points         
 -- Anna Schouboe             JR Doane University           SCR                 
 -- Rebecca Jerina            SO Doane University           SCR                 
 -- Chloe Jeffers             FR Hastings College           SCR                 
Section  1                                                                      
  1 Jacinda Davis             SO Doane University       5:06.93                 
  2 Tiana Schroeder           FR Dordt College          5:08.17                 
  3 Samantha Blum             SO Northwestern           5:09.43                 
  4 Lindi Chadwick            JR Jamestown              5:11.09                 
  5 Macie Moore               FR Morningside College    5:12.56                 
  6 Janice Garcia             SR Hastings College       5:18.76                 
  7 Rachel Barkema            FR Morningside College    5:23.50                 
  8 Olivia Vande Polder       SR Dordt College          5:25.60                 
  9 Karie Klingensmith        FR Morningside College    5:26.47                 
 10 Mary Kate Postma          FR Dordt College          5:30.43                 
 11 Amory Prue                JR Briar Cliff            5:33.91                 
 12 Tayler Carlson            FR Mount Marty College    5:44.65                 
Section  2                                                                      
  1 Annechiena Knevelbaard    SR Dordt College          4:51.37   10            
  2 Rebekah Hinrichs          JR Concordia              4:53.51    8            
  3 Kassidy De Jong           SR Northwestern           4:53.88    6            
  4 Hailey Pullman            SO Dordt College          4:54.37    5            
  5 Kelsey Lang               JR Northwestern           5:00.23    4            
  6 Autumn Muilenburg         FR Northwestern           5:00.36    3            
  7 Alyssa Fye                SO Concordia              5:00.53    2            
  8 McKenna Rogers            JR Dakota Wesleyan        5:01.50    1            
  9 Vivian Sanchez            SO Midland University     5:04.76                 
 10 Samantha Schuyler         SO Dakota Wesleyan        5:06.62                 
 11 Anna Teigland             SO Northwestern           5:06.99                 
 12 Samantha Dowling          SO Northwestern           5:13.72                 
 GPAC Record: G 4:36.47  5/5/2018    Michelle Mumm, Morningside                 
   NAIA Auto: A 4:36.50                                                         
  NAIA Prov.: B 4:42.00                                                         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points      
  1 Annechiena Knevelbaard    SR Dordt College          4:51.37   2  10         
  2 Rebekah Hinrichs          JR Concordia              4:53.51   2   8         
  3 Kassidy De Jong           SR Northwestern           4:53.88   2   6         
  4 Hailey Pullman            SO Dordt College          4:54.37   2   5         
  5 Kelsey Lang               JR Northwestern           5:00.23   2   4         
  6 Autumn Muilenburg         FR Northwestern           5:00.36   2   3         
  7 Alyssa Fye                SO Concordia              5:00.53   2   2         
  8 McKenna Rogers            JR Dakota Wesleyan        5:01.50   2   1         
  9 Vivian Sanchez            SO Midland University     5:04.76   2             
 10 Samantha Schuyler         SO Dakota Wesleyan        5:06.62   2             
 11 Jacinda Davis             SO Doane University       5:06.93   1             
 12 Anna Teigland             SO Northwestern           5:06.99   2             
 13 Tiana Schroeder           FR Dordt College          5:08.17   1             
 14 Samantha Blum             SO Northwestern           5:09.43   1             
 15 Lindi Chadwick            JR Jamestown              5:11.09   1             
 16 Macie Moore               FR Morningside College    5:12.56   1             
 17 Samantha Dowling          SO Northwestern           5:13.72   2             
 18 Janice Garcia             SR Hastings College       5:18.76   1             
 19 Rachel Barkema            FR Morningside College    5:23.50   1             
 20 Olivia Vande Polder       SR Dordt College          5:25.60   1             
 21 Karie Klingensmith        FR Morningside College    5:26.47   1             
 22 Mary Kate Postma          FR Dordt College          5:30.43   1             
 23 Amory Prue                JR Briar Cliff            5:33.91   1             
 24 Tayler Carlson            FR Mount Marty College    5:44.65   1             
 -- Chloe Jeffers             FR Hastings College           SCR                 
 -- Rebecca Jerina            SO Doane University           SCR                 
 -- Anna Schouboe             JR Doane University           SCR                 
                        Women - Team Rankings - 22 Events Scored                
    1) Concordia University       200        2) Hastings College          149.50
    3) Doane University           142.50     4) Dordt College              98   
    5) Northwestern College        86        6) Dakota Wesleyan            57   
    6) Morningside College         57        8) Jamestown University       41   
    9) Midland University          22       10) Briar Cliff University      4   
   11) Mount Marty College          1