Olsen Stadium - Site License                             5/10/2019 - 8:54 PM
            Iowa Girls & Boys 3A Qualifying Track Meet - 5/9/2019            
Event 137  Boys Discus Throw 3A
 3 preliminary throws - Top 8 advance to finals                              
 Final: 3 final throws                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
Flight  1                                                                    
  1 Block, Cade               11 Bishop Heelan           131-09    3         
  2 Schlaeger, Brady          11 Spencer                 126-09    1         
  3 Heimgartner, Jacob        10 LeMars                  125-07              
  4 Biliew, Goanar            11 Denison-Schlswg         119-08              
  5 VanDerBrink, Chris        11 Boy-Hul/Rock Val        117-09              
  6 Davis, Jared              12 SB-Luton                116-06              
  7 Madeira, Michael          10 Denison-Schlswg          89-10              
Flight  2                                                                    
  1 VanderSluis, Brandon      09 LeMars                  143-10   10         
  2 Roemeling, Brandon        11 Boy-Hul/Rock Val        140-08    8         
  3 Gaul, Carson              11 SB-Luton                132-11    6         
  4 Deng, Cham                12 Storm Lake              132-07    5         
  5 Thompson, Drew            09 Spencer                 131-09    4         
  6 Ebel, Dustin              12 Storm Lake              127-03    2         
 -- Clayborne, Kobe           11 Bishop Heelan               ND              
 3 preliminary throws - Top 8 advance to finals                              
 Final: 3 final throws                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points   
  1 VanderSluis, Brandon      09 LeMars                  143-10   2  10      
  2 Roemeling, Brandon        11 Boy-Hul/Rock Val        140-08   2   8      
  3 Gaul, Carson              11 SB-Luton                132-11   2   6      
  4 Deng, Cham                12 Storm Lake              132-07   2   5      
  5 Thompson, Drew            09 Spencer                 131-09   2   4      
  6 Block, Cade               11 Bishop Heelan           131-09   1   3      
  7 Ebel, Dustin              12 Storm Lake              127-03   2   2      
  8 Schlaeger, Brady          11 Spencer                 126-09   1   1      
  9 Heimgartner, Jacob        10 LeMars                  125-07   1          
 10 Biliew, Goanar            11 Denison-Schlswg         119-08   1          
 11 VanDerBrink, Chris        11 Boy-Hul/Rock Val        117-09   1          
 12 Davis, Jared              12 SB-Luton                116-06   1          
 13 Madeira, Michael          10 Denison-Schlswg          89-10   1          
 -- Clayborne, Kobe           11 Bishop Heelan               ND   2          
                       Men - 3A - Team Rankings - 19 Events Scored           
    1) SB-Luton                   165        2) Boy-Hul/Rock Val          137
    3) Spencer                     99        4) LeMars                     98
    5) Bishop Heelan               90        6) Storm Lake                 71
    7) Denison-Schlswg             67