Olsen Stadium - Site License 3/23/2019 - 5:09 PM 13th Annual Wayne State - Wildcat Classic - 3/22/2019 to 3/23/2019 WSC Memorial Track Event 38 Women 100 Meter Dash ======================================================================= FINALS ONLY NCAA Auto: A 11.50 NCAA Prov: P 11.93 Meet Record: M 12.07 2007 Heidi Mullenberg, USD Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= Section 1 Wind: 1.9 1 Ahni Ruzsa Sioux Falls 14.10 2 Cailey Banik Sioux Falls 14.17 3 Kailie McKimmy Univ of Jamestown 15.13 Section 2 Wind: 1.1 1 Pam Regenerus Dordt 13.66 2 Mahli Strasser Sioux Falls 13.85 3 Anna Allen Univ of Jamestown 13.95 4 Angelica Linabary Dordt 14.04 5 Alyssa Brown South Dakota 14.15 6 Edith Van Ginkel Dordt 14.15 7 Mikaela Van Soelen Dordt 14.67 8 Taylor Gilsdorf Wayne State College 18.22 Section 3 Wind: 1.9 1 Josie Kroger South Dakota 12.86 2 Tayla Peterson Northern State 13.18 3 Emma Bakker Dordt 13.19 4 Julia Yoder Dordt 13.36 5 Meghan Orr Univ of Jamestown 13.49 6 Hannah Veldhuisen Dordt 13.63 7 Kara Brouwer Dordt 13.77 8 Elizabeth Rankin Dordt 13.83 =============================================================================== FINALS ONLY NCAA Auto: A 11.50 NCAA Prov: P 11.93 Meet Record: M 12.07 2007 Heidi Mullenberg, USD Name Year School Finals Wind H# Points =============================================================================== Finals 1 Josie Kroger South Dakota 12.86 1.9 3 2 Tayla Peterson Northern State 13.18 1.9 3 3 Emma Bakker Dordt 13.19 1.9 3 4 Julia Yoder Dordt 13.36 1.9 3 5 Meghan Orr Univ of Jamestown 13.49 1.9 3 6 Hannah Veldhuisen Dordt 13.63 1.9 3 7 Pam Regenerus Dordt 13.66 1.1 2 8 Kara Brouwer Dordt 13.77 1.9 3 9 Elizabeth Rankin Dordt 13.83 1.9 3 10 Mahli Strasser Sioux Falls 13.85 1.1 2 11 Anna Allen Univ of Jamestown 13.95 1.1 2 12 Angelica Linabary Dordt 14.04 1.1 2 13 Ahni Ruzsa Sioux Falls 14.10 1.9 1 14 Alyssa Brown South Dakota 14.15 1.1 2 15 Edith Van Ginkel Dordt 14.15 1.1 2 16 Cailey Banik Sioux Falls 14.17 1.9 1 17 Mikaela Van Soelen Dordt 14.67 1.1 2 18 Kailie McKimmy Univ of Jamestown 15.13 1.9 1 19 Taylor Gilsdorf Wayne State College 18.22 1.1 2